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Litigation Support

Litigation Support

          Almost every case involves at least one financial amount. Most cases will have more including sets of financials or tax returns that will require analysis. Most attorneys didn't go to law school to be buried in numbers or financials. Most attorneys lack the proficiency to fully analyze and understand all financial aspects of their case. No longer be afraid of these documents and engage The CPA Attorney as your confidential consulting expert to analyze those financial numbers. Knowing every aspect of your case, including the hard-to-understand financial side, will make you the proficient litigator your client expects and is needed to win your case. You cannot let the financial side figure itself out on its own or delay it any further. Hire The CPA Attorney.

Divorce Attorneys - Better understand the financial statements and the tax returns of the opposing spouse. Learn of potential hidden assets from bank statements and investment accounts. Your client deserves their half of the community property, don't let some of it slip away because the asset is right under your nose in the financial discovery you received.

Civil Litigators - Calculating damages is a crucial part of your case and possibly an element of your claim. Why not sort it out from the beginning by engaging The CPA Attorney to calculate them for you. Let The CPA Attorney sort through the mountains of financial data to calculate how much your case is worth and present it in a logical fashion to secure maximum results.

General Discovery - Have a financial case and financial claims and don't know what to ask for? The CPA Attorney can form your discovery requests and get you the tax returns, financial statements, general ledgers, and accounting workpapers. Once obtained, The CPA Attorney will fully analyze them and provide guidance so that your damages are maximized and easily proven at trial.

Expert Consultations - Whether you need a consulting expert or a testifying expert, the CPA Attorney will present your case to the Court and jury. With simple explanations and to-the-point analysis, the CPA Attorney is the expert you need to support and win your case. Having a financial expert who also is an attorney means your expert will be excellent on the stand and handle cross examination like a pro.  

          Pursuant to the Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 26(b) (in most state courts and federal court), a non-testifying expert is not discoverable and essentially confidential by the side who retains the expert. The CPA Attorney will be your confidential non-testifying expert, on your legal team to fully analyze and prepare the financial data. The CPA Attorney also will work cooperatively with your testifying expert to limit their required work and keep their high hourly rates to a minimum. More money is saved by hiring The CPA Attorney first. Or if you prefer, let The CPA Attorney testify as your expert too.

Engaging The CPA Attorney will reduce your overall preparation costs, fully analyze your opponent's financial data, and allow you to win your case with the numbers on your side.

Mediation - The CPA Attorney is now doing mediations! Solution oriented, detailed, thought-out analysis will be performed on every mediation. Whether full day or half-day, The CPA Attorney doesn't stop on the mediation day if a case can be settled. Using both legal principles and financial concepts, mediation with The CPA Attorney will help both the attorney and client know the strengths and weaknesses of their case. Additionally, there is no meeting in the middle for The CPA Attorney, if you position isn't supported or your damages do not exist, The CPA Attorney will tell you and mediate accordingly.

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